Destination Paradise

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he shall not depart from it." - Proverbs 22:6

Can you believe it? Summer is almost over (insert sad face here). This will be the last long summer I will have as a medical student; after this vacations will be a luxury whenever I can get one. 

It's customary for me to volunteer my time to the community and the church wherever I am during the summer. This year I was fortunate enough to be the Storyteller at the  D'Abadie Seventh-Day Adventist Church  Vacation Bible School Program, Trinidad and Tobago. The theme was Destination Paradise.

It allowed the kids to learn of God, The Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ and the abridged version of Christ's walk on earth; his sole purpose for doing so and what we truly should be looking forward to-Paradise. Being in heaven with the Trinity. 

I must say, I found myself filled with joy and hope as the children came each day excited to learn, to recite the memory verses they were taught and working together amongst themselves on creative ways to re-enact the stories I told. It was this enthusiasm that they demonstrated that made me want to strengthen my walk with Christ even more. To be like a child, innocent, excited and bold for Christ. 

Being of service in this form of Ministry allowed me to realize that I have so much more to offer the world outside of medicine and I should do my best to use my talents in every aspect of my life, rather than boxing it into the Ministry of Healing.

How have you spent your Summer? Are you ready for the semester to begin? 

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